You can choose from 6 Month or 12 Month no-interest financing depending on what you qualify for.

6 Month No-Interest Financing

Vanessa Nicole Jewels offers 6 month no-interest financing. We guide you through the quick application with Citibank so financing your ring is very easy to take care of.

If you prefer, you may also choose to take care of partial payment by a check or credit card, and then simply finance the rest. Whatever method that works best for you is what works best for us.

To apply for 6 month financing, let us know and we’ll send you the application.

12 & 15 Month No-Interest Financing

(We are not affiliated with these credit cards – you simply sign up for this card on your own and then use it to make your purchase with us.)

Citi Simplicity Credit Card:

Chase Freedom Unlimited:

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